Cellphone use at PHS

Remember: Bell to Bell, No Cell!

Prairie High School is implementing a cell phone policy of “Bell to Bell, No Cell.”

During class time, campus-wide, cell phones are not to be used. The expectation is that once students enter the classroom on time, their phones are off/silenced and away. When students use the restroom during class time, they are not to take their phones with them.

Students may use cell phones during passing periods, at lunch, and before and after school. Students may be granted permission to use phones for specific academic purposes at teacher discretion.

If a parent or family member needs to reach their student during class time, they can call the main office at 360-885-5000 and have a message delivered. In case of emergency, students may use their phones with permission of a staff member.

This policy is not intended to be punitive. Students will not receive additional disciplinary consequences for cell phone misuse; rather, cell phone misuse will simply be treated as any other offense that is disruptive to the learning environment. Additionally, students with specific IEP or 504 accommodations will continue to be served as required.

The Prairie Way