
Senior pictures

It’s that time of the year to start thinking about senior pictures. Senior pictures are due December 1st, so don’t wait until the last minute.

Plain/neutral background preferred

Full-face view, facing forward

Clothing and jewelry must fit school dress code guidelines

No creative filters or photographic treatments

No weapons or hand signs of any kind

Minimum Resolution of 300 DPI

All pictures MUST be submitted via the link below

Yearbook is not accepting pictures that are printed, on a CD, on a thumb drive, or emailed



Yearbook Sales Periods

The 2023/2024 yearbook is now on sale.  Yearbooks can be purchased at school in the ASB office or on our school website.  Yearbooks cost $55 with an ASB card and $60 without an ASB card.  There will be three sales periods:

  • October

  • February

  • May

Get yours now and cherish your high school memories!


Please contact Yearbook Adviser Ryan Karraker:
Email Ryan Karraker